There's just one surefire way to make your home feel like a space you've created for yourself: by building it from the ground up! But if you're not handy with a hammer and saw, or don't have all the time in the world to build, consider these five tips on how to buy materials for your new room. Five Tips For Buying Materials When you are building a room, you need to make sure that you have the right materials. You don't have to go to the construction site for wood or nails; there are many other materials that you can use. Here are five tips for buying materials: 1) Always buy from a store and not a warehouse-you will probably get better prices on material and shipping from a store rather than from an online warehouse. 2) Always look into the weather forecast before buying material-some stores offer discounts if they sell to retailers/builders with an understanding of how the weather will impact delivery times. 3) Check stores like Costco, Home Depot, and Lowes-...